KAPTAIN KAPTAIN and Lyle July 2004
kaptain1.jpg In the ND Badlands
KAPTAIN and Lyle July 2004 KAPTAIN and Lyle July 2004
On the trail ND Badlands Trail riding ND Badlands
KAPTAIN and Lyle August 2004 Bighorn Mountains KAPTAIN and Lyle, and KAPTAIN'S half-sister FANCY and Reva. August 2004 Bighorn Mountains
Kaptain carrying Lyle safely on a rocky trail in the Bighorn Mountains
KAPTAIN and Lyle following FANCY and Reva. August 2004 Bighorn Mountains KAPTAIN'S sire, HOSAN.
Kaptain and Lyle following Fancy and Reva at the Bighorn Mountains Hosan.jpg